thanks hack move to post area?


New Member
Is there a way to move the who gave thanks to inside the post the thanks were give? see SS


Obviously the box would have to be smaller as well.
This look a bit tricky but...

Inside postbit_legacy the thanks hack is using this template to get the information to the bottom of your posts.


Maybe if you move this piece of text to above here:

<!-- message -->
		<div id="post_message_$post[postid]">
		<!-- / message -->

Now you need to edit the post_thanks_postbit_legacy template to your needs. A bit of align right and width changes wouldn't go amiss.

Im not saying this will work but hey give it a try ?
ok I know im pushing it here and id be willing to pay u for help but I was wondering if you knew of a way of being able instead of it just being a thanks if the user giving the thanks to be able to post a small message instead of the thanks?

Like when u click the "THANKS" button a small message prompt that will allow you to
type a small message afterwards it will show up in the box where normally the thanks would go.......mine looks like this currently.....


New one would look something like this (used text for visual purposes)

| Thanks Given                              |
| zero061099, thanks for the post     |
| memberX, cool thanks                   |
| memberY, good one                      |

Let me know and thanks for the help earlier!
I'm glad it worked for you.

As to your new task. That I'm afraid is beyond my field of expertise, I don't claim to be a coder but I am willing to help out on this forum any way I can.