Here is the code part of a page I have. I cut out some to make it simple. The page is an update page. I grab an employees info. The problem come when I am filling the Dropdownlist with the states I don't know how to select the one the employee has selected. How do I do this in ASP.NET?<BR>Thanks<BR><BR>void Page_Load()<BR>{<BR><BR> try<BR> {<BR><BR> string strConnection = ConnectionString();<BR><BR> OleDbConnection objConnection = new OleDbConnection(strConnection);<BR><BR> //Grabing info<BR> string strUpdateSQL = "SELECT * FROM OrgEmployee WHERE SSN= '";<BR> strUpdateSQL += GetSSNNumber() + "' AND FEID = '";<BR> strUpdateSQL += Request.Cookies["PayOut"]["FEID"] + "'";<BR> DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();<BR> OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand(strUpdateSQL, objConnection);<BR> objConnection.Open();<BR> OleDbDataReader objDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader();<BR><BR> while (objDataReader.Read() == true)<BR> {<BR> SSN.Text = objDataReader["SSN"].ToString().Insert(3, "-").Insert(6, "-");<BR> FirstName.Text = objDataReader["FName"].ToString();<BR> MiddleName.Text = objDataReader["MName"].ToString();<BR> LastName.Text = objDataReader["LName"].ToString();<BR> }<BR><BR> string strStateSQL = "Select ST, State FROM TitleState";<BR> objDataSet = new DataSet();<BR> OleDbDataAdapter objAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strStateSQL, objConnection);<BR> objAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "State");<BR> State.DataSource = objDataSet;<BR> State.DataBind(); <BR><BR><BR> objConnection.Close(); <BR><BR> }<BR> catch(OleDbException objError)<BR> {<BR> PageErrors.Text = "<B>There are Errors on the page:</B>";<BR> PageErrors.Text += "<BR><B>Message:</B> " + objError.Message;<BR> PageErrors.Text += "<BR><B>Source:</B> " + objError.Source;<BR> PageErrors.Text += "<BR><B>InnerException:</B> " + objError.InnerException;<BR> PageErrors.Text += "<BR><B>ErrorCode:</B> " + objError.ErrorCode;<BR> PageErrors.Text += "<BR><B>Errors:</B> " + objError.Errors; <BR> }<BR><BR>}I'm not 100% on what it is you're asking for, but if you're just looking to auto select the value from the state pulldown based on what a user choose you can do the folloing (in VB, not sure about c# sorry):<BR><BR>state.FindByValue("insertTheValueOfTheStateTheyChoseHere").selected = true<BR><BR>after you've bound the dropdown.<BR><BR>])ry::it should be:<BR><BR>state.Items.FindByValue("insertTheValueOfTheStateTheyChoseHere").selected = true<BR>