textContent working but nodeValue does not


New Member
To better understand the difference between textConent and nodeValue I'd like to find out why using nodeValue in my code is not working. I have the following XML string which gets loaded through AJAX via a jQuery callback. If you look at the center of the loop, that section will produce a null value if I use nodeValue in place of textContent.XML\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Sensors> <Sensor> <id>56</id> <state>false</state> </Sensor> </Sensors>\[/code\]I use this function below to parse the XML.JavaScript\[code\] function parseSensors(data,status,xhr) { var xml = xhr.responseXML; var sensors = xml.documentElement.childNodes; var list="<ul>"; for(var i=0; i < sensors.length; i++) { list= list +"<li>"+sensors.childNodes[0].textContent+"</li>"; } list=list+"</u>"; document.getElementById("real-time_active_sensors").innerHTML=list; }\[/code\]