To better understand the difference between textConent and nodeValue I'd like to find out why using nodeValue in my code is not working. I have the following XML string which gets loaded through AJAX via a jQuery callback. If you look at the center of the loop, that section will produce a null value if I use nodeValue in place of textContent.XML\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Sensors> <Sensor> <id>56</id> <state>false</state> </Sensor> </Sensors>\[/code\]I use this function below to parse the XML.JavaScript\[code\] function parseSensors(data,status,xhr) { var xml = xhr.responseXML; var sensors = xml.documentElement.childNodes; var list="<ul>"; for(var i=0; i < sensors.length; i++) { list= list +"<li>"+sensors.childNodes[0].textContent+"</li>"; } list=list+"</u>"; document.getElementById("real-time_active_sensors").innerHTML=list; }\[/code\]