<textarea> problems


Hi there,<br />
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system:<br />
IE6<br />
ASP/VB/SQL Server 6.5<br />
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we are using a <textarea> tag as part of a form, to capture free text input and we've noticed a rather odd behaviour.<br />
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the text area can only accept a maximum of 146 characters. If we use 147, we can't access any information in the form variable from the page the form was submitted to.<br />
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here is the code for the textarea (and trust me it's within bona fide <FORM> tags:<br />
<br />
<br />
<tr><br />
<td class="roundtablerowsmall" colspan="2"><TEXTAREA wrap=physical onKeyDown="textCounter(this.form.AdditionalInfo,this.form.remLen,146);" onKeyUp="textCounter(this.form.AdditionalInfo,this.form.remLen,146);" rows="10" cols="60" name="AdditionalInfo"><%=webuser.ReadServerFile("/edynamix/includes/payment/PurchaseRequestTemplate" & webuser.GetGroupEID & ".txt")%></TEXTAREA></td><br />
</tr><br />
<tr><br />
<td class="roundtablerowsmall" colspan="2" align="right"><input type="image" src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"/edynamix/images/savesmall.gif" name="save" WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="18"></td><br />
</tr><br />
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the extra script comes from some code I grabbed off the web to provide a character counter as a workaround.<br />
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This is how we acces data from the page we submit the form to:<br />
<br />
AdditionalInfo = Request.Form("AdditionalInfo")<br />
<br />
<br />
I mean it's not rocket science, but I swear, I type in 146 characters and I can see data in the 'AdditionalInfo' variable. I type in 147 and boom!<br />
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what gives? <textarea> should hold up to 32K of character information?<br />
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My only guess is service packs for IE6 has done something to the DOM?<br />
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any ideas?<br />
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Paul<!--content-->what are you posting it to? if you're posting it to a database, you might try changing the type of field to "TEXT".<!--content-->it will hold only 146 because you told it too.<br />
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<td class="roundtablerowsmall" colspan="2"><TEXTAREA wrap=physical onKeyDown="textCounter(this.form.AdditionalInfo,this.form.remLen,146);" <br />
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tha tis what the script is doing, count up until 146 and then you can't enter anymore.<!--content-->good call, Scoutt (as usual). i guess it pays to learn how to read.<!--content-->Originally posted by sharkhandler <br />
... the extra script comes from some code I grabbed off the web to provide a character counter as a workaround... <br />
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