Text spacing question in DreamWeaver


when i type it goes<br />
<br />
kjlkj<br />
<br />
jkoljkl<br />
<br />
<br />
need it to go<br />
<br />
kjdfkd<br />
kjdfkjd<br />
jdkfjkd<br />
<br />
in front page all i did was right click go to paragraph and change the line spacing to 0..but i cant' seem to find that anywhere in dreamweaver...<br />
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thx for the help :D<br />
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triz<!--content-->it's ALWAYS best to hand code. go into the source and add this:<span style="letter-spacing: 120%">hjskGHLSJhg</span><!--content-->Some editors:<br />
ENTER will give a new paragraph<br />
then use SHIFT + ENTER and it will give a new line.<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->Originally posted by petervazed <br />
Some editors:<br />
ENTER will give a new paragraph<br />
then use SHIFT + ENTER and it will give a new line.<br />
<br />
:rocker: <br />
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That works perfect...but is there anyway to like highlight a whole paragraph...and then change it to 0 line spacing<!--content-->Originally posted by trizza <br />
That works perfect...but is there anyway to like highlight a whole paragraph...and then change it to 0 line spacing <br />
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Good question..... is there an answer in the "Help" of DW?<br />
I don't use DW.<br />
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I never create/edit my content text IN the html editor.<br />
I separate the page layout and text.<br />
Creating a site:<br />
first write the text in notetab ( <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.notetab.com">www.notetab.com</a><!-- w --> )<br />
now it is possible to cut and past the text <br />
now divide it in page parts<br />
then it is time to create a menu<br />
<br />
Now comes the html page layout<br />
with the logo, menu and content part.<br />
If this is ok save as setup.html<br />
Now copy the text from notetab and past in the html page content part.<br />
Save as index.html<br />
load setup.html again, past content page two in it and save as. And so on.<br />
<br />
At last modify the content text with CSS.<br />
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So writing your whole page content in ONE text file gives you a clear view and an easy way to cut and past or rewrite a part.<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->Originally posted by trizza <br />
That works perfect...but is there anyway to like highlight a whole paragraph...and then change it to 0 line spacing A whole paragraph? Sounds like you're stopping at the end of each visual line rather than using the word wrap.<br />
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No, if you've been creating each line as a paragraph, then you'll have to go back and change all the <p> tags to <br> and delete the </p> tags - except for the first and last ones, of course. It might be quicker to do it in the html inspector, rather than on the page.<br />
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Or you could go into the html inspector, highlight the first <p> and use the "Find and Replace" function to change them all to <br> tags. Then you use "F&R" to delete all the necessary </p> tags. *g* Just don't do a "Replace All". <br />
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Peg<!--content-->Originally posted by petervazed <br />
Some editors:<br />
ENTER will give a new paragraph<br />
then use SHIFT + ENTER and it will give a new line.<br />
<br />
:rocker: <br />
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Hi.<br />
<br />
Is it possible to remove a line?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->Originally posted by Keyframe <br />
Hi.<br />
<br />
Is it possible to remove a line?<br />
<br />
Thanks. <br />
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In what way?<br />
In the editor?<br />
In most editors;<br />
go to the beginning of the line<br />
Left click three times, now the whole line is highlighted, then Del<br />
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