Text Size


Do most people on Internet Explorer use large or small text? (View > Text Size > Whatever) I am asking this because I have made a website that is mangled if veiwers don't use medium sized font, which is the default. 25% of sites I go to also experience the same problem I do.<!--content-->I have medium-sized text on my IE. I appreciate any size of text though.<!--content-->that is why you code it for a set font size. also by default IE is set to medium. but if you set it to a set font size than it won't matter if they change it or not.<!--content-->I try to use the default size whenever possible for most of my pages *because* other people may have their browsers set for a different size. Why should I restrict my site to only people who have a specific type of computer, monitor resolution, or level of eyesight (and thus age, btw)?<br />
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And not all computers will show the same size characters, even if the specified size is the same. A size "2" text on a PC appears closer to a size "1" on a Mac, for example. Some pages are almost unreadable for me because the set font size is far too small. You'd better have something spectacular on your site if I have to go to 150% on my browser to read it. If not, you can bet I'm not going to return. <br />
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The font size, like everything else on a web site, will depend on who you want as a visitor. <br />
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Peg<!--content-->i prefer fonts to be utterly unreadable. i try to keep all the text on my site under 4 pixels high. oh, and i also specify fonts that i ought to know damn good and well nobody else has but me. it saves me from having to make pesky graphics.<!--content-->well, i have the Medium text size, which is the default one, so as pegasus says, its recommendable to use the default things than the other options, is vest viewed by other users<!--content-->Originally posted by transmothra <br />
i prefer fonts to be utterly unreadable. i try to keep all the text on my site under 4 pixels high. oh, and i also specify fonts that i ought to know damn good and well nobody else has but me. it saves me from having to make pesky graphics. *lol* Do I believe it? Not for an instance, boyo! But I know a few people who do. ;)<br />
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Peg<!--content-->I always keep text elements flexible so the text wrap depending on size. I prefer giving people a say in the text size rather than imposing it on them.<br />
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I&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; L O V E &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F R E E &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; C H O I C E<!--content-->