text question


Staff member
how do you write the code for text for a font name that has spaces, <br />
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e.g.<br />
<br />
"Lucida Sans"<br />
<br />
thx<!--content-->Example of css code:<br />
<br />
.text-estimates-2<br />
{<br />
text-align: left;<br />
vertical-align: top;<br />
font-family: verdana, arial, serif, "Times New Roman";<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
font-size: 10pt;<br />
text-indent: 0px;<br />
color: black;<br />
background-color: #f7b49b;}<br />
<br />
<br />
or<br />
<br />
<font face="Times New Roman"></font><br />
<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->thx, i'm a html newb<!--content-->is there only certain fonts that you can use with HTML coding or can u use custom fonts aswell?<br />
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if you can then how?<br />
if not then WHY? lol<br />
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Joe ;)<!--content-->Sure, one can use custom fonts; however, the problem you run into is you're the only one who has the font, so everyone else who views the site ends up viewing it with their default font set in their browser.<br />
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If you must use a certain type of font, try making images with them such as buttons. But I realize you're in reference to font for general text, so if you have your mind set on that font, make a link for your viewers to click so they can Download <!--more--> and install the font. Then and only then would it work.<br />
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The next problem you have is, people will not like the idea of Download <!--more-->ing something jsut to view your site, no matter how great it is. <br />
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It's your call though...<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Feel free to use any font you want...BUT...if the person that is viewing your page does not have that font installed on their system, they will see it as a standard font (like arial ot Times New Roman). Anyway...if you really want to use a specific font, you can make a gif image, and use that, OR you can make "flash text" in flash or dreamweaver. Sometimes flash text can be smaller, and it can have built in onmouseover effects.<br />
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EDIT: Beat me to it...so...what he said!<!--content-->It's a bloody race ain't it!?<br />
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haha<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Yeah, and I think you cheated...I just have to figure out how.<!--content-->