Text Placement Problem...


Staff member
Well, I am having a problem with getting a table to go in a certain place on a website that I am designing; please go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.s-jproperties.com/WebDevEX.htm">www.s-jproperties.com/WebDevEX.htm</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.s-jporperties.com/WebDevEX.htm">http://www.s-jporperties.com/WebDevEX.htm</a><!-- m -->) to understand where I want it. I am attempting to put it in between, and in the middle, if you follow my drift...just think of the logical place where text should go..any help would be greatly appreciated...BTW, this is not the final host...just a temporary one...<!--content-->went there and by the way there is a javascript error:<br />
imgBig is undefined ;)<br />
<br />
Put your table in a layer. Then use the layer's attribute position:absolute.<br />
You can then place that layer anywhere on the screen in the exact pixel location that you want.<br />
If you use dreamweaver, add a layer, then put your table in there and you can drag that layer all around the screen until it is in the right spot. If you don't use dreamweaver or some other graphical tool, then just play with the attributes until it is in the right spot. The syntax would be something like:<br />
<div id="layerName" style="position:absolute; left:15px; top:50px; width=160; height=200; z-index:1; visibility: visible;"><br />
<table><br />
<tr><td>blah blah blah</td></tr><br />
</table><br />
</div><br />
<br />
change top, left, width, and height so that it is in the right spot and the right size.<br />
<br />
hope that helps<br />
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jason<!--content-->Hey Jason, Thanks...I really appreciate it...I'll do that. BTW I do use Dreamweaver. About the Javascript error...yeah, I know it's there...just haven't gotten around to fixing everything around and such. Once again, thanks.....:D<!--content-->BTW...I am in no way trying to compete with Web Developer Forum...if you are interested in what the site is going to be like...check it out in a while...am not sure exactly when it will be up and running...<!--content-->