I ran in quite an unusual problem. If necessary, for a better understanding of the big picture, please refer to my last post, Unable to retrieve a sub-NodeList from a NodeList in Javascript.Well, that works now, but when I tried to parse a different XML string using basically the same method, the resulting NodeList won't include any text nodes. Instead of the formatted XML, I'll post part of the string I'm trying to parse into a NodeList:\[code\]<clients><client><code>1111</code><crm>2222</crm><company><name>FOO</name><enterprise>BAR</enterprise><cnpj>XXX</cnpj></company></client></clients>\[/code\]Please notice that those aren't the actual values to the nodes, but the parent node client follows this scructure (it's way abridged though).So, for testing purposes, I ended up resorting to the following code in order to see if the list is being properly created:\[code\]function parseClientsXML(xmlString, filter){ var parser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); var clients = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(filter); for(var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++){ var client = clients.childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < client.length; j++){ var node = client[j]; $('#div_clients').append("Node index: " + i + " - Type: " + node.nodeType + " - Name: " + node.nodeName + "<br>"); } }\[/code\]calling the function:\[code\]parseXML(theString, "clients");\[/code\]The result I expected was something like:\[code\]Node index: 0 - Type: 1 - Name: clientNode index: 1 - Type: 1 - Name: codeNode index: 2 - Type: 3 - Name: #textNode index: 3 - Type: 1 - Name: crmNode index: 4 - Type: 3 - Name: #text\[/code\]And so on. Using a string parsed from the XML from my other post as "theString", it works fine. But the output for the string in this post one goes like this:\[code\]Node index: 0 - Type: 1 - Name: clientNode index: 1 - Type: 1 - Name: codeNode index: 2 - Type: 3 - Name: crmNode index: 3 - Type: 1 - Name: companyNode index: 4 - Type: 3 - Name: name...\[/code\]I've been working on this all day but couldn't figure out a solution. The input string is exactly as the one I posted above (well, not exactly, but it's close). Any ideas?