Text input don't change after adding information


New Member
I have an application you can use below but basically it is a text input not changing after the user adds information from a row.Here is the application:ApplicationPlease follow the steps below:1: When you open the application, You will see a "Add Question" button, click on this button and you will see a table row appended underneath.2: Within the appended row, click on the buttons "B" and "C", these buttons will turn green meaning they are on and underneath you will see 2 text inputs appear showing the values of the buttons you have turned on.3: You will see a green plus button on the left hand side of the row. Please click on this button and you will see a modal window appear.4: You will see a search bar in the modal window, in the search bar type in "dog" and then click on the search button.5: A row will appear which is relevant from your search, please click on the "Add" button on the right hand side to add the info.6: You will see in the appended row that now button "A" is highlighted and the other buttons are off.But the problem is that the text inputs underneath has not changed. IT still displays text inputs for values "B" and "C", which is incorrect, as button "A" is turned on and is the only button turned on, it should only display as text input for button "A", the other text inputs should be removed.So my question is that how after the user has added information from the modal window that it changes the text inputs to only display the value of the buttons which are turned on?Below is the code which controls each answer button clicked and where it updates the answer buttons:function btnclick(btn, iQuestionIndex, bDisableAppend){ //var context = $(btn).parent(); var context = $(btn).parents('tr'); // need to go up one level context.add(context.siblings()); // to collect siblings in other rows since the limit in each row is 7 if (context.length == 0) { context = $(btn).parents('tr'); } var $btn = $(btn); var value = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12779204/btn.value; var id = $btn.attr('id'); // toggle button if ($btn.hasClass('answerBtnsOff')) { $btn.removeClass('answerBtnsOff').addClass('answerBtnsOn'); } else { $btn.removeClass('answerBtnsOn').addClass('answerBtnsOff'); } updateAnswer(context , iQuestionIndex, bDisableAppend); var container = $btn.closest(".optionAndAnswer"); $(".answertxt", container).val( $(".answerBtnsOn", container).length ); return false;}function updateAnswer(context, iQuestionIndex, bDisableAppend) { var _sCurrQ_Class = 'q_' + iQuestionIndex; var _oCurrAnswerContainer = jQuery('#answer_selections .' + _sCurrQ_Class); if (!_oCurrAnswerContainer.length) { _oCurrAnswerContainer = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass(_sCurrQ_Class); !bDisableAppend && jQuery('#answer_selections').append(_oCurrAnswerContainer); } _oCurrAnswerContainer.html(''); var value, id; // loop through all buttons with 'on' status and their info to the current answer container $('.answerBtnsOn', context).each(function(i, btn) { var $btn = $(btn); value = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12779204/btn.value; id = $btn.attr('id'); var n = $("input[name='" + id + "value']").length; var hid = "hidden" + id + n + "value"; $(btn).attr("data-hid", hid); if (!bDisableAppend) { // append those values to the form var input = '<input type="text" id="' + hid + '" value="' + value + '" name="' + id + 'value" />'; _oCurrAnswerContainer.append(input); } }); }Below is the code where it controls the modal window and everything in it:function closewindow() { $.modal.close(); return false;} $('.plusimage').live('click', function() { plusbutton($(this));});function plusbutton(plus_id) { // Set global info plusbutton_clicked = plus_id; // Display an external page using an iframe var src = "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12779204/previousquestions.php"; $.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" style="border:0;width:100%;height:100%;">'); return false;}function addwindow(btn) { var answers = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr; }).join(', var answersrow = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr+"Row"; }).join(', ');} if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') { $('#answerSection').find('.answerBtnsOn').removeClass('answerBtnsOn').addClass('answerBtnsOff'); $(answers).addClass("answerBtnsOn").siblings().addClass('answerBtnsOff'); } else { $(plusbutton_clicked).closest('tr').find('.answerBtnsOn').removeClass('answerBtnsOn').addClass('answerBtnsOff'); $(plusbutton_clicked).closest('tr').find(answersrow).addClass("answerBtnsOn").siblings().addClass('answerBtnsOff'); } $.modal.close(); return false;}