text grows large when it's viewed on a Macintosh


Hi there, I hope you can help, I'm creating a website for a client who owns a Macintosh computer. I own a PC and I'm setting my text to 'number 2' in Dreamweaver - my pages look fine. The problem is when my client looks at it on his Mac the text size seems to jump up at least one size turning pages into a mess. Does anyone recognise this problem and is there a solution.<br />
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Cheers, Ken<!--content-->look at the code that dreamweaver created and make sure thats what you intend to do.These WYSIWYG editors are notorious for writing strange HTML<!--content-->I tend not to use WYSIWYG programs, i tend to program using raw code (try 1st page 2000) it is harder for people with little HTML knowledge but i picked it up quite quick because i had no idea WYSIWYG programs existed when i started...<br />
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any way, right click the html document your text is in and select edit, a load of text will appear, scroll down untill you find the text you want to edit and change the tag <font> surrounding it to <font size="?"> where ? is a number from 1-5. I will stay this size in all browsers...<br />
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The next step up is CSS where there is help on that at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learningwww.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning">www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learningwww.w3.org ... S/learning</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning">http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Spyke.<!--content-->Nobody's mentioned screen resolution. What is the Mac's screen setting? What is your setting? Standard advice: design for 800 x 600. Then your site will display properly in the vast majority of browsers.<!--content-->