Text Files of all Sorts


Hi Guys,<br />
First let me thank Michael and Scoutt. In answering my previous query, re: Forms problems with e-mails, they have, between them, solved my problems. A VERY BIG THANK YOU><br />
However, I have some files I wish to put to a website and wish to make them available for Download <!--more-->ing by anyone. How do I do this please guys? Your help would be appreciated.<br />
Cheers,<br />
cjson<!--content-->You could just link to the files normally:<br />
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<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.somedomain.com/file.pdf">my resume</a><br />
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If you have many files that you ewant users to d/l in one click, you should zip (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winzip.com">http://www.winzip.com</a><!-- m -->) them up.<!--content-->The whole URL is not necessary in internal files (files that you have uploaded onto the server). Instead type in: <A HREF=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"file.filtype">Hyperlinked Text</A> to save time.<!--content-->Although correct in saying the complete url isn't needed you have no idea of the DIR structure in the poster's website. Considering he/she will be offering multiple files to Download <!--more--> there is a good chance these will be in various DIR's and then a relative link will be required, not just a file name. As a blanket statement regarding the use of an URL in a link your post is misleading and potentially very wrong. It is good practice to use the full url.<br />
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My suggestion is you should use the full url until you feel confident to do otherwise when managing a web site in multiple file DIR's.<!--content-->I agree that it is good practice to use the full url to any type of link or file Download <!--more-->, on one of my pages I had an "email this page to a friend" link and when it emailed, because the full urls weren't there, there were broken images etc in the email. That's just one example.<br />
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I also think it is good practice to create and get used to using directories if you expect your site to continuously grow. When I first started learning html, I had this one huge site and couldn't find anything to manage or edit the site because everything was dumped in one spot with hundreds of files. It will save you frustration and headaches if you get in the habit of sorting different materials into categories and making directories for them, instead of waiting for it to get out of control and sorting them later like I did.<!--content-->It is a extremely bad idea to use the full URL. When you need to switch hosters, you have to change all the links.<!--content-->That's true, but if you use the right software then it will have a search and replace function built into it. I use both Hotdog Professional and 1st Page 2000, and both of them have search and replace. It's not even all that time consuming when you do it that way.<!--content-->well, I wouldn't say EXTREMELY bad... <br />
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I'd rather use absolute url's than placing everything in the same directory. I have tons of experience flopping entire directories and sites between machines. <br />
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I'd rather map a name... like 'htmlforums.com' to point at a specific directory on the webserver. <br />
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Then whenever anyone needs images, the link would be: /htmlforums/images/picture.gif<br />
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instead of "../../../images/picture.gif" or whatnot. <br />
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the problem, as ww mentioned, is when you get some large directories and you have all that '../../../' stuff. <br />
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so, worst choice is placing everything in the same directory. <br />
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slighlty better, but not good choice would be to link relatively (../../../images/picture.gif).<br />
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Much better would be to use the full directory address: /htmlforums/images/picture.gif. This lets you move the code into any directory/ any server without adverse effects. <br />
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Finally, the catch all: the full url: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/images/picture.gif">www.htmlforums.com/images/picture.gif</a><!-- w -->. This will work as long as the server doesn't change all that often.<!--content-->