I have a self-refreshing, hidden iframe included in every page on my website. Each time it refreshes, it checks a database for any new alerts (the website is coded with classic ASP). If the iframe loads and finds a new alert, it will have an embed tag that plays an mp3 notification sound.My problem is that when the iframe loads with the embed tag, the cursor will lose focus on any text field if the user was typing at the time.This doesn't appear to be an issue in Safari, FireFox, or Chrome... Only IE, and I'm running IE 9. This is the first time I've dared to add audio to this website... If I can at least have this working with the most recent versions of all the mentioned browsers, I'd be happy.Here's my embed tag:\[code\]<embed hidden="true" autoplay="true" src="http://stackoverflow.com/AllInclude/Sounds/Notification_1.mp3" height="0px" style="overflow:hidden"></embed>\[/code\]Here's my code which includes the iframe:\[code\]<iframe src="http://stackoverflow.com/AllInclude/AlertChecker.asp" style="overflow:hidden;height:0px;position:absolute;top:-1000px" frameborder="no"></iframe>\[/code\]Here's what my iframe uses to refresh itself:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout ('ReloadPage()', 15000 ); function ReloadPage() { window.location = window.location; }</script>\[/code\]Thanks!Note: I've tried using the HTML5 audio tag but can't get that to work on IE or FireFox?... I even tested it on this link: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_audio_all