text field is reloading my page?!


New Member
To be blunt, I've a webpage with multiple select boxes and 1 text field. The page is 100% created using javascript... I'll show you the HTML portion of the code at the bottom. The problem is, That one text box... everytime you press the ENTER key after it has focus, the page reloads and resets everything. I've added in an onChange, onBlur and NOTHING at all but the code is completely ignores that and the page is reset when they press ENTER. If they change the value of the text field and CLICK somewhere else on the form or if they press TAB to leave the page, it works fine. It's just when ENTER is used.

Is there some problem when creating a text field on a webpage using javascript that causes it to reload the page everytime the enter key is pressed?

I think I know a work around (Remove that input from the javascript and place it into the html then try to position it and grab the info then), but I'd rather know why it isn't working.

The code itself is currently 400+lines and I can't post it here and it's not uploaded anywhere yet. But any help I'd thank you till the end of time.

<font face="MS Sans Serif" SIZE="2">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0080FF" vlink="#0080FF" alink="red"><BR>
<table border=1 align=center style"position: absolute;" width=350px height=350px>
<td align=center>
<h2 align=center>
<font color="black" size="4">
Build-A-Truckload 3.0
<script language="JavaScript">loadPage()</SCRIPT>