Well, I found that script on a site, it's made to control several types of animations...
I changed some parameters to have it do what I want but then it was slow (because the browser was doing things it shouldn't) and when I tried to 'clean out' the script from unneccesary info, it stopped working properly...
I'm still a newbie at JS... That's probably why I couldn't make it to work properly...
Take a look here: a Sample (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.scriptsplus.com/scripts/image/dynamique.php#">http://www.scriptsplus.com/scripts/image/dynamique.php#</a><!-- m -->) (when you are on that page click on "Voir l'exemple" to see the sample)
The thing I want to do is to have the whole alphabet fall down, letter by letter, from the top of the page on page load (it's what 'Exemple3' does on the sample...) but when I change the number of 'steps' to 24, it slows down so much it doesn't look good anymore!!!
Can you help me with this??? Thanx
Here's the code:
dynamicanimAttr = "hdynamicanimation"
animateElements = new Array()
currentElement = 0
speed = 0
stepsZoom = 8
stepsWord = 8
stepsFly = 12
stepsSpiral = 16
steps = stepsZoom
step = 0
outString = ""
function hdynAnimation()
var ms = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")
ie4 = (ms>0) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(ms+5, ms+6)) >= 4)
if((navigator.appName == "Netscape") &&
(parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)) >= 4))
for (index=document.layers.length-1; index >= 0; index--)
if (layer.left==10000)
for (index=document.all.length-1; index >= document.body.sourceIndex; index--)
el = document.all[index]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if(null != animation)
if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
ih = el.innerHTML
outString = ""
i1 = 0
iend = ih.length
i2 = startWord(ih, i1)
if(i2 == -1)
i2 = iend
outWord(ih, i1, i2, false, "")
if(i2 == iend)
i1 = i2
i2 = endWord(ih, i1)
if(i2 == -1)
i2 = iend
outWord(ih, i1, i2, true, animation)
if(i2 == iend)
i1 = i2
document.all[index].innerHTML = outString
document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0
document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)
if(animation == "zoomIn" || animation == "zoomOut")
ih = el.innerHTML
outString = "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + animation + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"
outString += ih
outString += "</SPAN>"
document.all[index].innerHTML = outString
document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0
document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)
i = 0
for (index=document.body.sourceIndex; index < document.all.length; index++)
el = document.all[index]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if (null != animation)
if(animation == "flyLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "flyRight")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "flyTop" || animation == "dropWord")
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottom")
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyTopLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyTopRight" || animation == "flyTopRightWord")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottomLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottomRight" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "spiral")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "zoomIn")
el.style.posLeft = 10000
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "zoomOut")
el.style.posLeft = 10000
el.style.posTop = 0
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
el.initLeft = el.style.posLeft
el.initTop = el.style.posTop
animateElements[i++] = el
window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)
function offsetLeft(el)
x = el.offsetLeft
for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)
x += e.offsetLeft;
return x
function offsetTop(el)
y = el.offsetTop
for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)
y += e.offsetTop;
return y
function startWord(ih, i)
for(tag = false; i < ih.length; i++)
c = ih.charAt(i)
if(c == '<')
tag = true
return i
if(c == '>')
tag = false
return -1
function endWord(ih, i)
nonSpace = false
space = false
while(i < ih.length)
c = ih.charAt(i)
if(c != ' ')
nonSpace = true
if(nonSpace && c == ' ')
space = true
if(c == '<')
return i
if(space && c != ' ')
return i
return -1
function outWord(ih, i1, i2, dyn, anim)
outString += "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + anim + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"
outString += ih.substring(i1, i2)
outString += "</SPAN>"
function animate()
el = animateElements[currentElement]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if(animation == "spiral")
steps = stepsSpiral
v = step/steps
rf = 1.0 - v
t = v * 2.0*Math.PI
rx = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initLeft), 200)
ry = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initTop), 200)
el.style.posLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx)
el.style.posTop = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry)
else if(animation == "zoomIn")
steps = stepsZoom
el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*step/steps) + "%"
el.style.posLeft = 0
else if(animation == "zoomOut")
steps = stepsZoom
el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(steps-step)/steps) + "%"
el.style.posLeft = 0
steps = stepsFly
if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
steps = stepsWord
dl = el.initLeft / steps
dt = el.initTop / steps
el.style.posLeft = el.style.posLeft - dl
el.style.posTop = el.style.posTop - dt
if (step >= steps)
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = 0
step = 0
if(currentElement < animateElements.length)
window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)
<body onload="hdynAnimation()">
<!-- available dynamics : flyTop,flyBottom,flyRight,flyLeft,flyTopLeft,flyTopRight,flyBottomLeft,flyBottomRight-->
<!-- dropWord(texte),zoomIn(texte),zoomOut(texte) et spiral !-->
<p align=center hdynamicanimation="zoomIn" style="position:relative !important;left:10000 !important">Exemple 1</p>
I changed some parameters to have it do what I want but then it was slow (because the browser was doing things it shouldn't) and when I tried to 'clean out' the script from unneccesary info, it stopped working properly...
I'm still a newbie at JS... That's probably why I couldn't make it to work properly...
Take a look here: a Sample (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.scriptsplus.com/scripts/image/dynamique.php#">http://www.scriptsplus.com/scripts/image/dynamique.php#</a><!-- m -->) (when you are on that page click on "Voir l'exemple" to see the sample)
The thing I want to do is to have the whole alphabet fall down, letter by letter, from the top of the page on page load (it's what 'Exemple3' does on the sample...) but when I change the number of 'steps' to 24, it slows down so much it doesn't look good anymore!!!
Can you help me with this??? Thanx
Here's the code:
dynamicanimAttr = "hdynamicanimation"
animateElements = new Array()
currentElement = 0
speed = 0
stepsZoom = 8
stepsWord = 8
stepsFly = 12
stepsSpiral = 16
steps = stepsZoom
step = 0
outString = ""
function hdynAnimation()
var ms = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")
ie4 = (ms>0) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(ms+5, ms+6)) >= 4)
if((navigator.appName == "Netscape") &&
(parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)) >= 4))
for (index=document.layers.length-1; index >= 0; index--)
if (layer.left==10000)
for (index=document.all.length-1; index >= document.body.sourceIndex; index--)
el = document.all[index]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if(null != animation)
if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
ih = el.innerHTML
outString = ""
i1 = 0
iend = ih.length
i2 = startWord(ih, i1)
if(i2 == -1)
i2 = iend
outWord(ih, i1, i2, false, "")
if(i2 == iend)
i1 = i2
i2 = endWord(ih, i1)
if(i2 == -1)
i2 = iend
outWord(ih, i1, i2, true, animation)
if(i2 == iend)
i1 = i2
document.all[index].innerHTML = outString
document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0
document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)
if(animation == "zoomIn" || animation == "zoomOut")
ih = el.innerHTML
outString = "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + animation + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"
outString += ih
outString += "</SPAN>"
document.all[index].innerHTML = outString
document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0
document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)
i = 0
for (index=document.body.sourceIndex; index < document.all.length; index++)
el = document.all[index]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if (null != animation)
if(animation == "flyLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "flyRight")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "flyTop" || animation == "dropWord")
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottom")
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyTopLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyTopRight" || animation == "flyTopRightWord")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottomLeft")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "flyBottomRight" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "spiral")
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight
else if(animation == "zoomIn")
el.style.posLeft = 10000
el.style.posTop = 0
else if(animation == "zoomOut")
el.style.posLeft = 10000
el.style.posTop = 0
el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth
el.style.posTop = 0
el.initLeft = el.style.posLeft
el.initTop = el.style.posTop
animateElements[i++] = el
window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)
function offsetLeft(el)
x = el.offsetLeft
for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)
x += e.offsetLeft;
return x
function offsetTop(el)
y = el.offsetTop
for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)
y += e.offsetTop;
return y
function startWord(ih, i)
for(tag = false; i < ih.length; i++)
c = ih.charAt(i)
if(c == '<')
tag = true
return i
if(c == '>')
tag = false
return -1
function endWord(ih, i)
nonSpace = false
space = false
while(i < ih.length)
c = ih.charAt(i)
if(c != ' ')
nonSpace = true
if(nonSpace && c == ' ')
space = true
if(c == '<')
return i
if(space && c != ' ')
return i
return -1
function outWord(ih, i1, i2, dyn, anim)
outString += "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + anim + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"
outString += ih.substring(i1, i2)
outString += "</SPAN>"
function animate()
el = animateElements[currentElement]
animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)
if(animation == "spiral")
steps = stepsSpiral
v = step/steps
rf = 1.0 - v
t = v * 2.0*Math.PI
rx = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initLeft), 200)
ry = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initTop), 200)
el.style.posLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx)
el.style.posTop = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry)
else if(animation == "zoomIn")
steps = stepsZoom
el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*step/steps) + "%"
el.style.posLeft = 0
else if(animation == "zoomOut")
steps = stepsZoom
el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(steps-step)/steps) + "%"
el.style.posLeft = 0
steps = stepsFly
if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")
steps = stepsWord
dl = el.initLeft / steps
dt = el.initTop / steps
el.style.posLeft = el.style.posLeft - dl
el.style.posTop = el.style.posTop - dt
if (step >= steps)
el.style.posLeft = 0
el.style.posTop = 0
step = 0
if(currentElement < animateElements.length)
window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)
<body onload="hdynAnimation()">
<!-- available dynamics : flyTop,flyBottom,flyRight,flyLeft,flyTopLeft,flyTopRight,flyBottomLeft,flyBottomRight-->
<!-- dropWord(texte),zoomIn(texte),zoomOut(texte) et spiral !-->
<p align=center hdynamicanimation="zoomIn" style="position:relative !important;left:10000 !important">Exemple 1</p>