Text Documents?


Let's say I wanted a table to display a text document,can I make the background any other colour?<!--content-->If you want to make an html page that only contains words then you would use the code BGCOLOR="#F0F8FF" inside your body tags. So your html page will be something like this <br />
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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Put the title of your webpage here</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#F0F8FF"> Type all your text document here </BODY></HTML> <br />
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and that right there is for a basic text document. The color you want your page to be is given by the code in between the "" in the BGCOLOR area, in this case the color is #F0F8FF but I've attached an html page that I got from http:/www.pagetutor.com that shows the main colors and the colors code that you can use for webpages. Hope this helps a little :)<br />
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OH SORRY! I just noticed you said in a table, in that case it's the same thing BGCOLOR="#F0F8FF" but just put it in the table tags so it will be like this <TABLE BGCOLOR="#F0F8FF"><TR><TD>Type all your text here</TD></TR></TABLE> ok. And again you can choose any color you want by using the specific code for that color ok.<!--content-->A pure text document (often with file-name prefix .txt) has no HTML tables. It is displayed in the user's default foreground and background colors, and the default fixed-width font. Original text formatting will be preserved. Silly IE will open it with Notepad or some other separate app, but Netscape displays it properly within the browser.<br />
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To make an HTML page look like a text document, surround the imported text portion with PRE and /PRE tags. That way it will keep its original text formatting.<br />
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Outside of the preformatted portion, you can use tables and set colors just as with any other HTML page.<!--content-->Thanks.<br />
I used the pre tags.<!--content-->Originally posted by Rock <br />
A pure text document (often with file-name prefix .txt) has no HTML tables. It is displayed in the user's default foreground and background colors, and the default fixed-width font. Original text formatting will be preserved. Silly IE will open it with Notepad or some other separate app, but Netscape displays it properly within the browser.<br />
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To make an HTML page look like a text document, surround the imported text portion with PRE and /PRE tags. That way it will keep its original text formatting.<br />
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Outside of the preformatted portion, you can use tables and set colors just as with any other HTML page. <br />
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hmmm...as far as I know IE opens txt docs in the browser window too. Will even treat a TXT document pretty much like any html document if you include HTML tags. Once you insert a body tag into a TXT document you will most likley lose the TXT formatting though.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->hmmm...as far as I know IE opens txt docs in the browser window too. Will even treat a TXT document pretty much like any html document if you include HTML tags. Once you insert a body tag into a TXT document you will most likley lose the TXT formatting though.<br />
Kevin,<br />
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At home, IE 5.5 opens Notepad to display .txt documents (on a msWin98 system). At work, IE 5.0 opens Textpad (on a msWin95 system). Textpad is a shareware app which I have set to my default text viewer. I have never configured IE to do anything special with .txt documents.<!--content-->Rock/ Kevin,<br />
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I'm getting different results than BOTH of you. <br />
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I open a linked txt document in IE in both win98 and win2k and I see a html page that shows the entire code as typed. The page itself doesn't render the HTML... but it also does not spawn notepad, wordpad, or textpad. I have notepad, word, and wordpad on both machines.<br />
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No special config as I just totally rebuilt this entire machine.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
Rock/ Kevin,<br />
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I'm getting different results than BOTH of you. <br />
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I open a linked txt document in IE in both win98 and win2k and I see a html page that shows the entire code as typed. The page itself doesn't render the HTML... but it also does not spawn notepad, wordpad, or textpad. I have notepad, word, and wordpad on both machines.<br />
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No special config as I just totally rebuilt this entire machine. <br />
I'm also getting this. But isn't this the default?<!--content-->whkoh,<br />
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I thought it was default too. But Kevin reported that IE opened the text documents in a browser/word window and rendered the HTML... while mine just displayed all of it like text, HTML tags and all.<br />
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Rock reported that it would spawn one of various applications to view the text document... which also did not happen (to me).<!--content-->Mine does what Kevin's does (at least for .rtf files, haven't tried it with .txt lately) and opens in the browser/word window (kinda like the way acrobat reader works).<br />
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Interesting and I can't recall ever changing the defaults so that IE 5.5 and MS Word would perform differently.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
whkoh,<br />
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I thought it was default too. But Kevin reported that IE opened the text documents in a browser/word window and rendered the HTML... while mine just displayed all of it like text, HTML tags and all.<br />
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Rock reported that it would spawn one of various applications to view the text document... which also did not happen (to me). <br />
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do this Doc, take a text file and add a body tag to it but leave it as a page.txt document, upload it and watch what happens. Remove the body tag and try again.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Originally posted by Rock <br />
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Kevin,<br />
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At home, IE 5.5 opens Notepad to display .txt documents (on a msWin98 system). At work, IE 5.0 opens Textpad (on a msWin95 system). Textpad is a shareware app which I have set to my default text viewer. I have never configured IE to do anything special with .txt documents. <br />
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OK...but are you talking about internet or local files? <br />
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Kevin<!--content-->The browser does not render HTML, it just displays it. However, if you open txt files using Ctrl+L/O, it will use the default text-editing app to open it. If you follow a link, it will just display the text in the browser. eg <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.microsoft.com/msDownload">http://www.microsoft.com/msDownload</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->/ieplatform/ie/readme.txt<!--content-->OK...but are you talking about internet or local files?<br />
Kevin,<br />
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Good catch. When displaying local .txt files, IE launches the default text viewer (eg notepad). But when displaying .txt documents from the Internet, it displays the text files within itself.<br />
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It had not occurred to me that it would care where the file came from.<!--content-->Hi Rock,<br />
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thats why I get paid the big bucks, or I'm supposed to anyway :)<br />
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actually its easy to get them confused since Windows wraps everything up in an explorer shell, my guess is that the difference is the header sent from the server along with the document, be it an html file or a txt file. If you drop a local txt file into a browser window (even one with all the html tags needed for a webpage as Doc noted) since there is no http header (or any other internet header) its treated as what it is, a plain old text file. Same file recieved from a webserver though will display as an html document as long as it is an ASCII file regardless of the extension. You can name a file named index.rock and it will still display as a webpage if recieved from a server via a browser. <br />
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Netscape is a different story, if it sees any extension beside htm or html, and the file is an ASCII file, it will display the file as plaintext.<br />
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To me there is a big difference between the mind set of the Netscape devs (if there is such a thing anymore) and the MS devs that make IE. Netscape treats stuff literally like its coming from another machine which will not make mistakes. IE treats stuff like what it is, it comes from another machine but the underlying source is a human, which we all know is quite prone to making mistakes and likes to mess around and have fun, not sit in classrooms or open reference materials and learn code.<!--content-->