text area


i want the text on this page to scroll in a certain area<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://osi.hershaltech.com">http://osi.hershaltech.com</a><!-- m --> <br />
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i only want it in the white area<!--content-->Could you elaborate on this?<br />
you want the text to be scrollable in the top left frame only? it is now. You want it to be scrollable UNDER your huge bg image? (it is the only "white area" I see).<br />
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Could you be more specific or show us a working example somewhere else?<!--content-->i want the text to scroll on only the white area where the bg img is, i know i have seen it before i just can't remember where<!--content-->i dont think i catchn your drift...<br />
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do you want the text to be positioned over the white bit of the background image? i dont really understand that, maybe if you print screen and edit with paint or another image editor using arrows and lines exactly where you want the text to be!<br />
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do you want the bgimage to mover with the text or stay: fixed?<br />
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please elaborate<!--content-->I have The bg img set to fixed using css and i want any test on the page set to only appear over the whight parth of the back ground<br />
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like when all the text has been added and since my bg is fixed i want when the page is scrolled to have the text onl scroll in the set area<br />
using css i can set a text indent to have it horizontally positition its self but i need a vertical positioning or a fixed field for it to stop when it has reached a certain level<!--content-->use tables to position the text accross to the right, onto the white bg but keeping the text aligned to your personal preference.<br />
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that help?<!--content-->chesk out the site and see if you understand<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://osi.hershaltech.com">http://osi.hershaltech.com</a><!-- m --><!--content-->but is i scroll won't the table scroll over the settings i want?<!--content-->Using the <iframe> could possibly be one solution but I cannot see why you want to use frames in the first place. You might as well have used CSS to create the scrollable text area and position it where you desired.<!--content-->how di i do that in css<!--content-->You ask the question in the CSS forum; in either case you didn't say whether you wanted to remove the framesets first, or whether you wanted a framed effect, or just an area of the page that had a scrollbar - that changes which solution you can be given.<!--content-->weeli want to keep the frame set so...<!--content-->why? Using css would acheive greater functionalit and it would look better :rolleyes:<!--content-->cause i am new to css sheets am am still learning how to use them<!--content-->its easy to make a div scroll :rolleyes: <br />
<div style="height:somepx; width:somepx; overflow:auto;"><br />
text<br />
</div><!--content-->Nathan, <br />
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read this and then make your mind up about using frames<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9612.html">http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9612.html</a><!-- m --> <br />
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use css, :D its much better!<!--content-->