text area and input name


Staff member
I was just wondering how to change the background and outlining of the text area and the input name thing.<br />
I have seen it done before, its just that the webpage that did it went down, and i didnt think to get the code then.<br />
help would be greatly appreciated.<br />
<br />
~Papercup<!--content-->Something along these lines will work. This example is for a submit button but I believe will work the same for input fields and textareas, experiment with the attributes to get what you want:<br />
<br />
<input type=submit value="Contiue..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"><br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Kevin, <br />
<br />
I tried you code. Seems to work quite well in IE. I had some different results in N4.7, and N6. I also tried the exact same code on different form elements. Heres a quick little form. <br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Untitled</title><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<form><br />
<input type=submit value="Contiue..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"> <br />
<textarea style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"></textarea><br />
<input type=radio value="Contiue..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"> <br />
<input type=text value="Contiue..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"> <br />
<select value="Contiue..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;"> <br />
<option selected value="Contiue1..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;">Continue1</option> <br />
<option value="Contiue2..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;">Continue2</option> <br />
<option value="Contiue3..." style="border-style:solid; color:limegreen; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-weight:600; background:#000000;">Continue3</option> <br />
</select><br />
</form><br />
</body><br />
</html><!--content-->Hi Web,<br />
<br />
guess I'm a little rusty after my vacation. I neglected to mention that Netscape does not support most of the style attributes when applied to forms.<br />
<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Nah, I already knew that N4.7 is kind of funky with inline styles, but It wa sinteresting that N6 (with increased CSS) still renders the changes a bit different than IE. I have read notes on N6 that says that the rendering of CSS is very close to IE. I guess that guy was on crack!<!--content-->