Text alignment in tables....help.


I'm using tables on a web site and for some reason the text is pushed to the right in the left column. I can't locate the problem in the coding. Also, sometimes it looks okay depending on what computer I'm using. I was able to fix the text in the second column (haven't Download <!--more-->ed yet) and the third column looks fine.<br />
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Please look at the site/code and let me know if you have any suggestions on what the problem could be. The address is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thehouselist.com/home.html">http://www.thehouselist.com/home.html</a><!-- m -->. />
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I'm tired of banging my head against the desk on this one.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->It appears that you are nesting several tables inside of other tables. While this can be very useful, it can be very hard to find problems. In the left hand problem column, you have nested a 2 column table. you have the left column width set to 150 pixels. this is pushing the second column over to the right and making your text seem in a strange place.<br />
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Look at the bold line:<br />
<TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="700" align="center" valign="top"><br />
<br />
<TR valign="top"><br />
<TD WIDTH="150" bgcolor="#ffffcc" valign="top"><br />
<TABLE BORDER="0"><br />
<TR valign="top"><br />
TD WIDTH="150" valign="top"><br />
<br />
<TD valign="top"><br />
<TR><br />
<TD class=title style=color:ffffcc WIDTH=145 BGCOLOR=003366 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;<FONT FACE="Arial"><b>Find a Home</b><br />
</TABLE> <FONT FACE="Arial"><br><br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.homesdatabase.com/kenarscott"><b>Your Next Home</b></a><br><br />
Visit my homes locator to find your next home! Search by state, area,<br />
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I have 2 suggestions.<br />
1. Change that cell size to 1 or 2 pixels - <td width="1"><br />
2. Better yet, eliminate that column/cell completely. Set up the nested table as a one cell table with align=center and cellpadding of 2 or 3 to get the text off of the edge.<br />
ie.<br />
within the column<br />
<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=3><br />
<tr><br />
<td>put your content here</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
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You also did the same thing in the third column. While you are fixing one, you might want to fix the other.<!--content-->The change worked! Thank you soooo much!<br />
I haven't fixed it completely yet but enough so that it looks right when you bring up the site. At least now I can work on it behind the scenes.<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->I'm glad it helped! I think you should try to eliminate some of the nesting of the tables. you can do what needs to be done without so many tables. Plus it will be easier to work on in the future. Good Luck!<!--content-->