Testing php / mysqli connection

I am looking for a way to test just the connection portion of a php / mysqli connection. I am migrating from a LAMP server build on Vista to the same on Ubuntu and am having fits getting mysqli to work. I know that all of the proper modules are installed, and PhpMyAdmin works flawlessly. I have migrated a site over and none of the mysqli connections are working. The error that I am getting is the "call to member function xxx() on non-object" that usually pops up when either the query itself is bad or the query is prepared from a bad connection. I know that the query itself is good because it works fine on the other server with the exact same database structure and data. That leaves me with the connection. I tried to write a very simple test connection and put it in a loop such as ..\[code\]if(***connection here ***){ echo "connected"; }else{ echo "not connected"; }\[/code\]It echoes "connected", which is great. But just to check I changed the password in the connection so that I knew it would not be able to connect and it still echoed "connected". So, the if / else test is clearly not the way to go....