temporary changes of styles...


Greetings!<br />
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If I try to temporary change/override a style with a <div style="something: value"></div> tags, I always get a linebreak before the div.<br />
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Also, if I do this inside css styles html tag, any padding below that tag is ignored.<br />
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Does anyone know any way of avoiding this?<br />
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(I'm only styling colors on fonts, so I guess I could to a <font color=""></font>, but I wanted to be consistent...)<br />
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Sincerely, Robert<!--content-->Did you try inserting your styles into your main CSS (in-file/external) and calling it from your DIV tag?<!--content-->Yes, I have styled p, a, h1, h2, h3, ul, ol, li, table, tr, td tags...<br />
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but in some rare occasions (without having to make a new class), I'd like to explicitly alter a style, just for a line or so...<br />
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I thought this could be done "invisibly" but it always seems to produce a break before and lack of padding after... :/<!--content--><div> is a block element, and so will always start on a new line. <span> however, is an inline element which will not throw to a new line.<br />
Use span instead of div, if you don't want a new line.<!--content-->Thank you!<br />
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That was the answer I was looking for.<!--content-->