

Ok I just Download <!--more-->ed a template and I got "corners" of the template I guess.???? What do I do to make it look like it was on the picture of it before I Download <!--more-->ed it?????<br />
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[Edited by ssgoku14 on 03-11-2001 at 09:35 PM]<!--content-->I would help you but I did not really understand what you just wrote, try explaining a little more please.<!--content-->Repite, por favor, no te comprende .<!--content-->I do not comprehend your post. Please specify the nature of the problem.<!--content-->one more time I Download <!--more-->ed a template and when I did that I got file that said coner01 to corner05 I also got a file thatsaid Index with the whole template in it. So I guess my real question is how do get the template to look like the template???<br />
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I Download <!--more-->ed the template from: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freewebtemplates.com">http://www.freewebtemplates.com</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hi!<br />
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What are these files: image, text and or html. It is better to post the url of the templete you Download <!--more-->ed so we can see and try to solve your problem.<!--content-->