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<BR>I am attempting to bind a Repeter Control to a Data Reader object.<BR> <BR>I got this to work as expected:<BR><BR><ItemTemplate><BR><div><%# Container.DataItem("label") %></div><BR></ItemTemplate><BR> <BR>I would like to put the template in a file and use:<BR>ItemRepeater.ItemTemplate = Page.LoadTemplate("MyFile.ascx")<BR><BR>Here is what I've tried to put in 'MyFile.ascx'<BR>1:<BR><div>Hello<%# Container.DataItem("label") %></div><BR>Result: No error & noting prints.<BR><BR>2:<BR><div>Hello <%# DataBinder.Eval(CType(Container,DataListItem).Data Item, "label") %> </div><BR>Result: The word Hello prints only once.<BR><BR>What do I need to put in the file to get the same results?<BR>