Template class, Output Control and gzip compressed string .........


As usual I'm taking my first steps in something :)
It's the Output Control time (caching,template,compresion).
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
The code:

class Template
private $outPut='';
private $vars=array();
public function __construct($templateFile){
(file_exists($templateFile))?$this->outPut=file_get_contents($templateFile):exit('Error:Template file '.$templateFile.' not found');
public function assign($vars){
if (!is_array($vars)){
exit('Error! assign() expects an array, string given');
public function parse(){
foreach ($this->vars as $var => $content){
$this->outPut=str_replace('{'.$var.'}', $content, $this->outPut);
echo $this->outPut;

public function display(){
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
return $this->outPut;
$tpl = new Template('test.htm');
echo $tpl->display();

The trivial test.htm

<form action="{path}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="user_time" value="{time}" /><br />
<input type="text" name="user_name" value="{name}" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{submit}">

I'm wondering is it the right way ?
In this snippet:

(file_exists($templateFile))?$this->outPut=file_get_contents($templateFile):exit('Error:Template file '.$templateFile.' not found');
if (!is_array($vars)){
exit('Error! assign() expects an array, string given');

Is it a good idea to throw an Exception ?
In my opinion to checking a method parameter
is better using exit.
What do you think about ?
Thanks in advance.

ByeThrowing an exception would be a lot better than than using exit; you can't recover from an exit.

Better still would be to subclass Exception so that the catching code can distinguish between, say, an IOException or an InvalidArgumentException.Throwing an exception would be a lot better than than using exit; you can't recover from an exit.
Better still would be to subclass Exception so that the catching code can distinguish between, say, an IOException or an InvalidArgumentException.

Thanks so much for the piece of advice.

Sorry to disturb you again.
I'm in a doubt.
Inside a class (Blog) I'm using
two classes (Template,insertDb)
which have got two different
type of Exceptions

class DbException extends Exception{
public function __construct($message, $code = 0){
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function __toString(){
return __CLASS__ . " Line : [{$this->line}] Code : [{$this->code}] Msg : {$this->message}\n";
class FileException extends Exception{
public function __construct($message, $code = 0){
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function __toString(){
return __CLASS__ . " Line : [{$this->line}] Code : [{$this->code}] Msg : {$this->message}\n";

Well, when I instance the Blog class :

try {
$blog = new Blog($db, $path);
try {
$contentOutput = $blog->display();
catch (DbException $e) {
echo $e;
catch (FileException $e) {
echo $e;

Is it the right way ?



Better still would be to subclass Exception so that the catching code can distinguish between, say, an IOException or an InvalidArgumentException.

When I get my idea clearer about Exception I follow your advice ;)try {
$blog = new Blog($db, $path);
$contentOutput = $blog->display();
catch (DbException $e) {
echo $e;
catch (FileException $e) {
echo $e;


Chapter 20. Exceptions
