Telling a window to close itself


How can I tell a window to close itself without getting the "Do you wish to close this window" box that appears. I tried the window.close() command, but it gives me the warning I mentioned above.<br />
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A little background on the problem. I have window1 that opens, and then opens window2. I then want window1 to close itself after it has opened window2. I can't load window2 into window1, which would be no problem at all, I need it to have window1 call window2, then close itself.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->No can do !!!<br />
Your option is to load a new html document into window 1 (such as an empty blank page, or a page with 'thanks for using our services', but you can not close the main browser window without the alert.<!--content-->that popup is only a problem if your using IE i think, Atleast, I have neever had it come up for me, and i use mozilla.<!--content-->80% of the visitors on the net uses one type of IE browser or another, so it is better to stay clear of it, unless you know that your audience will be browsing only with Mozilla (such as an intranet, pages served up only for Mozilla browsers, or a website targetted for Mozilla browsing programmers, etc) :rolleyes:<!--content-->