telerik rad listbox restriction on number of item selection


New Member
Hi i am using telerik rad ListBox ,everything working fine but in my case a person can select different no of item ,so the value based on the role of i just want to know that how can i restrict a user to add more than 'X' items from list.(Example if user="Admin" maximum no ="4";) Thanks in advancecode is as \[code\]<telerik:RadListBox runat="server" ID="rlbSourceWeeklyOff" Height="200px" Width="200px" AllowTransfer="true" TransferToID="rlbDestinationWeeklyOff" > </telerik:RadListBox><telerik:RadListBox runat="server" ID="rlbDestinationWeeklyOff" Height="200px" Width="200px"> </telerik:RadListBox>\[/code\]