Telephone and fax number arre not lined up


NONE<!--content-->The problem you are having is a function of the font you are using. The 'T' and 'F' characters occupy the same area on the browser, but the 'F' isn't visually (physically?) as wide as the 'T'. So, the 'a' seems to start farther to the right than it should. In reality, it lines up perfectly with the 'e' above it. The problem actually starts with the next letter. The 'x' is just larger than the 'l' above it, so the two lines will never line up the way you want them to, at least as long as you use that font (in reality, they probably cant', regardless of the font).<!--content-->Aronya1 is (mostly) correct. The solution would be to use a monospace font:<br />
<br />
Tel: 301-258-1173<br />
Fax: 301-258-0690<!--content-->NONE<!--content-->Courier New or Courier will be your best bet. Defining it like this in your CSS would be a good idea:<br />
<br />
.className {<br />
font-family: "Courier New", Courier, mono;<br />
}<!--content-->NONE<!--content-->There may be, but I do not know of any.<br />
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To be perfectly honest with you, I do not see the benefit of making sure they both line up perfectly. It's not really something that jumps out at you, or that you'd even notice, if you were not looking. Also, just tell the DEI folks that serif fonts are for print, and sans-serif fonts are better on the screen. ;)<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
Aronya1 is (mostly) correct. <br />
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Hence (the need for) my sig file! :p<!--content-->lol :D<!--content-->Hey! What's the deal with you? Don't you sleep? Or do you have one of those James Bond watches with the little thingy that pops out & wiggles back and forth on your arm to wake you up when somebody posts in the forums? Go out & play in the traffic, man!<!--content-->hehe... Ok, I think you're right. Sleep time. ;)<!--content-->Originally posted by design <br />
DEI Management wants Times New Roman. I tested the Courier offline and it does line up. Is there a monospace font that looks similar enought to Times New Roman that it can line up the contact page and "fool" DEI Management into "thinking" it is Times New Roman? <br />
The bottom line is that the lenght of Fax and Tel are different in the selected font, therefore you can either line up the F/T (text-align:left) or the x/l (text-align:right). In some cases, and this looks like a possibility, it's better to totally blow the relationship and make them obviously different. So I'd go with Phone: and Fax: and either line up the ':'s or append the words as labels like:<br />
<br />
xxx-xxx-xxxx :Phone<br />
xxx-xxx-xxxx :Fax<!--content-->Originally posted by ray326 <br />
So I'd go with Phone: and Fax: and either line up the ':'s or append the words as labels like:<br />
<br />
xxx-xxx-xxxx :Phone<br />
xxx-xxx-xxxx :Fax <br />
Good suggestion.<br />
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Also, one potential problem with trying to choose a different font is that you need to use something that will already be installed on your users' (read general public's) computers. Don't use something unusual, or people's browsers will just substitute Times New Roman or similar anyway.<!--content-->