<td> image


Staff member
Hi-<br />
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I have finally broke 100 posts! yeah! Now, I only have about 5800 more post plus 40 years of knowledge to go to catch up with Scoutt. *lol*<br />
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According to W3C there isn't an image attribute for a <td>, but I have an image I would like to set as background in that <td> specifically.<br />
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Any suggestions / ideas?<br />
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Thanks, Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->There is a background attribute<br />
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<td background="/images/myimage.gif"><!--content-->Use CSS. For example if you are using a stylesheet then you would have something like "td.blueborder{ background: url("images/blue_border.gif");}" in it.<br />
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Or you could use an inline style <td style="background: url('images/blue_border.gif');"><br />
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Neil<!--content-->Originally posted by kdjoergensen <br />
There is a background attribute<br />
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<td background="/images/myimage.gif"> Not for HTML 4.01 Transitional there's not. :)<br />
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Neil<!--content-->:mad: ahh.. you guys.. do I really have to look it up...<!--content-->Nah, trust me on it. Background is one of the many, many, many,...many, many, many things the borg...oops, sorry, W3C deprecated in HTML 4.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->I always understood that deprecated means that the tag may not appear in future versions of HTML. It doesn't mean that current browsers do not support it.<br />
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Somone correct me, while I am away at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://w3.org/">http://w3.org/</a><!-- m --> looking this up.<!--content-->it wasn't even in html 4.0 let alone 4.01. funny how they don't list it but it works.<br />
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even width and height are deprecated. why do they have to make it so hard to make a webpage now-a-days.<!--content-->