Targetting Multiple Frames


Hi all,<br />
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How do i target multiple frames from a single link.<br />
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I have a page that has three frames.<br />
<br />
1 top frame - with title<br />
2 side frame - with navigation<br />
3 content frame<br />
<br />
Now from a single link can i target all these frames??<br />
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i am using a redirect from an include file using ASP, but forgetting that i would like to know if the multiple target is possible.<br />
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Thanks in advance!<br />
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Roberto<!--content-->you are trying to target three frames that you already have or create the frames?<br />
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if you are creatin the frames then make a page with a frameset otherwise you may wanna use an onClick event and do it that way<!--content-->This opens in two frames.<br />
<br />
<form> <br />
<center> <br />
<input type=image src="home.gif" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="32" width="132" align="MIDDLE" onclick = "top.frames[1].location='buttons2blank.htm';top.frames[2].location='home.htm';return true;"> <br />
</center> <br />
</form><br />
<br />
Suggestions on how to make this work in Netscape 4.x. It is fine in NS6.2 and IE. Can I make it into a script that will work? <br />
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Thanks, <br />
RON C<!--content-->