targeting frames


Hi ,<br />
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If I have a bunch of pictures in my right frame, how can I make a link to them using my left frame, so that by clicking a link in the left frame, it scrolls the right frame down to the picture I want ?<br />
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Here is the example I'm working on.<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks for your help in advance. :-)<!--content-->I'm not absolutely postive on this but I think how you do it would be to put name tags on your source page around your image tags.<br />
<a name=chess1 border="0"><br />
<img src="combo7.gif"></a><br />
<br />
<a name=chess2 border="0"><br />
<img src="combo7a.gif"></a><br />
<br />
etc...etc...etc<br />
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now on the other page (the right frame source page) you would have it point to the frame page as well as the named anchor.<br />
<a href="combo7.html#chess1" target="right">answer 1</a><br />
<a href="combo7.html#chess2" target="right">answer 2</a><br />
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etc...etc...etc<!--content-->Darn didn't work this is tricky lol.<br />
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Now in a regular document if I put (click here)<br />
<a href="#answer"border="0"> then <a name="answer"> to the location where I want it to scroll to it will do it.<!--content-->Make sure to name your frames in the frameset document and refer to the correct frame name in the target= attribute of the link. <br />
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If your content frame is named "right", then the examples that Wabanaki Web posted will work fine. There is no need to use the border=0 attribute in the embedded anchor tag.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi, <br />
Wabanaki Web , Kevin <br />
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Both you guys were right! Last time I did this at night, and figured out a way to screw it up. *sigh* Thank you both for your time and effort it was very much appreciated. :-)<!--content-->Hey Kevin, Thanks, I wasn't sure if it needed the border tag, I thought that all anchor tags leave that line around the image or under the link, but name tags don't.<br />
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I was doing that post late at night too, so I did get one other thing wrong. I wrote "(the right frame source page)" and I meant the left! Sorry! Blame it on sleep deprivation.<!--content-->