targeting an ilayer in CSS?


Ok...I'm still having problems with this site:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

How do I make a link target to an ilayer that is positioned inside a DIV?

I've tried target="iframeName" at the end of the href and that doesn't work.

All of my images are positioned with CSS only, no tables, and I had to put the rollover buttons inside of DIVs. And now they won't target my iframe!

Any ideas???

tYou have the iframe's name listed as the id. That won't work.
<iframe id="meframe" src="meabout.html" width=341 height=302 marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling=no></iframe>
Should be
<iframe name="meframe" src="meabout.html" width=341 height=302 marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling=no></iframe>Thank you for your help!!!

TNope! That doesn't work! It is opening in a seperate window!!!
Ack!You must give the iframe a name and then target the name in the link.
<iframe name="iframe"...
<a href="blah" target="iframe"...I *did* that. You probably don't see it on the actual page because I tested it offline. I'm uploading the page now, and you'll see, it's still popping up in another window when you click on the "me" button (in the middle with the little i icon).

It's just not working...Does it matter that both the link and the iframe are both in DIV layers?Nope.Sorry! It's working now! I just had to restart IE......

Thanks for the tip!!!