Targeting a different link in an array


I am in the process of reformatting a site to frames. I have everything working, except for one problem. I am using a css to define the drop down menus on a flash navigational menu.

I have all the links opening in the main frame, EXCEPT for the ones I want to open in a new window. In the noframes version, I am using a javascript to open the links in a new window. In the frames version, I know to use to target "_blank" in order to open a new window, but I'm not sure how to do that within an array in the css (the drop down menu). Is there a way to make just one or 2 links within the array override the target name in the css?

AmyAHow can I convince you to not use frames for design :) They break the continuity of your page, which creates three main problems: 1) Search engines don't know that the frames relate to one another. This can cause the search engine to index your site shallower than non-framed sites. To top if off, search engines may display a content frame in the search results, that when clicked on, does not appear in the frame set. Your logo and navigation can be lost, leaving the user stranded; 2) Screen readers for the site impaired have problems with frames. Personally I think that's more of a screen reader problem, but the fact remains that framed sites just aren't as easily read off by screen readers; 3) Browsers do a lousy job of book marking framed sites. They all too often bookmark the frameset, and not the frameset and which ever frames were loaded in the frameset at the time.

If you're using frames to import commmon page elements, like navigation, you'll have better luck using a simple content management system - even if it's just a couple simple PHP include statements.

People can disable JavaScript, so don't rely on it as a means of navigation. JavaScript can enhance the usability of a page, it shouldn't create the usability.

Array in CSS? I think you've got CSS and JavaScript mixed up. CSS applies style to a document (Cascading Sheets), HTML provides the content, marked up using tags (Hyper-Text Markup Language) and JavaScript allows you to alter the content and style of a page.

And most of all: We need to see the full CSS, HTML, and javascript. A link is preferable, but we just need to see all the code involved. Hope this helps out.