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I have the code:<BR><BR>Sub DI_ValueCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)<BR> Dim strValue As String<BR> strValue = http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/ddlLoc.DataValueField<BR><BR> Dim Url As String<BR> Url = "CostAdd.aspx?"<BR> Url &= "strValue=" & strValue<BR> Response.Redirect(Url)<BR>End Sub<BR><BR>It works fine, but what do I write so that it will target a frame instead of opening a new page, Thank you for your time and help.I don't think you can do such a thing in server-side code. You may want to consider re-writing that sub as client-side (if possible). With client-side, this has worked for me. Suppose you have an existing frame with a name and id of "myframename". <BR><BR>Dim Url <BR>... (your code)<BR>window.frames.myframename.location.replace(Url)