target not working


i have this code <br />
<br />
<form name="form1" method="link" action="../order2.htm" target="products"> <br />
<br />
which sends information in a form via the address bar, to another page for processing. <br />
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the problem is this, the new page (order2.htm) should open in a frame called 'products', which it does on my machine, but not on anyone else's! I'm using ie5.5 sp1, and I've had it tested by others using the same software, still no luck. <br />
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ideas? <br />
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the url for the whole site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
the code is in the popup that appears when you click on an item of clothing.<!--content-->Hi, I just tested your script in IE5.5 and NS4.7 and it worked fine in both. On clicking the "buy" button it opened your order form in your "products" page. Or am I missing something?<!--content-->