"target" attribute in hyperlinks???


I am running an old 'sour' web site which is built on frames. :o<br />
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I have through the time collected a huge pile of links to sites in the same interest area, that I wish to place on the site.<br />
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If I don't use the attribute target="xx" in the a href hyperlink, the new page will load up in my own frameset.<br />
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So I have to insert the attribute in all the tags (hundreds and hundreds), otherwise it will be confusing.<br />
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Now I wonder if there exist any javascript I could use, instead of having to do that huge job - a java script that tell the same thing for all links that I will put on my 'hot links' page.<br />
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:confused:<!--content-->Anwsered: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6151">http://forums.webdeveloper.com/showthre ... eadid=6151</a><!-- m --><!--content-->couldn't you use the base target function?<br />
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On a page write <base target=xx><br />
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That should make all the links on the page have a target of xx<!--content-->