Target a window when verifing from an email link


New Member
I have a sign up page on my site. After entering your info, the site sends out an email to verify the user. From that email link:I wonder how I can target the previously opened window to my site?(Which would currently say: Thank You for signing up, please check your email for a validation token)Placed in the body tag of the site is:\[code\]<body onload="'thesite';">\[/code\]Have tried to send an \[code\]<a>\[/code\] tag with a target="thesite" from the email using PHP's mail() function with Content-type: text/html, but the target won't take.\[code\]<body><html> <a href="" target="thesite">Verify</a></body></html>\[/code\]Seems like it would, but it just opens a new window.