Tables spacings


Staff member
Look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I outlined the whole table in a border so you can see that there is this juge margin on the bottom. I did not put it there and adjusting the table height did not work. What am I doing wrong here? PLease help.<!--content-->Do you mean setting the table to 100%. If so use width="100%". If that's not what you mean can you explain it a little more.<br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->I set width to a certain # of pixels, but I'll try the 100% thing.<!--content-->NO, the 100% thing just made the table the size of my screen.<!--content-->Oh I think I see what you mean now. Try adding height="100%" in to your table. THis will resize the table to be 100% of the page in height.<br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->Do this: take your closing form tag (</FORM>) and embed it between the closing td and tr tags for the table it is in so it looks like:<br />
<br />
</TD></FORM></TR><br />
<br />
this will prevent the line break that occurs when a form is closed, which is causing the margin at the bottom of both table. Plus you are really using too many tables, you should be using one table only to do what you are doing.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Where extacly? I put in the </form> tags but theres still no change.<!--content-->Nevermind, I got it. THanks for the help!<!--content-->