Tables or Layers, what's the difference


I don't understand why so much companies ( for example) have their web sites in tables programmed. I tested to programm the same html page in tables and in layers and I must say it's much easier to work with layers than tables. Tables are unprevisible and it needs a lot of time and patience to work with. Layers works great with both Browsers (I tested!).<br />
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Can somebody give a explanation? I like to work based on standards but I just don't understand why most HTML-programmers only work with tables!<!--content-->Originally posted by johnny_rare <br />
Layers works great with both Browsers (I tested!).<br />
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depending on what versions you tested with and what you used to achive your layers will depend. Most people havent taken time to learn css, and like yourself, dont want to use tables. So they will pass off some XML that displays (almost) properly in IE. For the monkey. it's mostly a mix of both. css is more veratile when it comes to positioning and requires less kicks to the server!<br />
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ducked tape, sheet metal, and hammers! that's what I call maintenance!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->uhhh what version of Netscape did you test on? I tried it in N4.7x and although it worked it was not the samething in IE. I really had to fight with it to get it close to where I wanted it and then IE would be messed up. NS4.x has a hard time with layers.<!--content-->I didn't read anyone elses replys to this bc i am too lazy, but I will post my opinion anyways:<br />
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The only difference that I really see between layers and tables is that layers can have messages and stuff like that under them that you can interact with and you can also interact with the layers themselves. In tables you cannot have that. They all work fine in any browser, the only time you run into problems with browser compatibility is when you add special effects to layers, like adding mouse events to them such as glow on mouse-over and change colors on mouse-out. Other than that you will never have a problem.<br />
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I know from experience. Although it may just be the coding if the rest of you guys are having trouble otherwise ;) !<!--content-->