Tables... :o(


Hi. I am trying to work out why I am getting orange lines appearing on my new site design at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . I assume it has something to do with the cell backgrounds I am using for the side bar bits, but I can't seem to get rid of it. Does anyone know where I have gone wrong or is this a known bug in NS 4.75? Also, how does it look with newer / older versions of NS? <br />
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Thanks <br />
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Andy <br />
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NOTE: It works fine in IE 5 and 4.<!--content-->That is a really odd problem. It also works fine in NS 6, but just not NS 4.7. I have spent a while working on it, but it just doesn't work. It has something to do with the index_files/Untitled-1_01.gif picture.<br />
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Sorry that I couldn't do more.<!--content-->I guess the table-inside-table adopts the td background from the first table. I see that you've tried specifying a background color for the inner table. Instead, try using a white background image on the td's and see if that helps.<br />
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-aslefo<!--content-->From what I can see you're going to need more tables. To keep the whole thing from being impossible to deal with I'd make the top section one table and then start a new one for the orange outlined sections. That would have either a white or default background. Then you have two columns and put new tables in each of those. They'd be orange. Then you put a solid white table inside each of them and in that table you specify cellspacing for the outline. Then, for the table in the left hand column with the template graphics, you create yet another table with a white background, no cellspacing to be on the safe side, and just use cellpadding there.<br />
Then for the table on the bottom, you either create another row and merge cells or just create a new one column table, under the one you just did and do the same thing all over again.<br />
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I'm just adding this on, because it wasn't until I Download <!--more-->ed the whole thing that I realized you were doing the whole thing with a background. All the older versions of Netscape would do that - if there's an image in the table cell for some reason everything goes to hell and the background of the table that the table is in shows through. I'm sure there's a better solution, but for tables with an outline, I still prefer nesting them up and using cellspacing with and image just for the top and bottom. It seems simpler, to tell the truth.<!--content-->Thanks for the input. You can see why I was getting so annoyed with it :(<br />
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Spose I will have to try something else....maybe using more tables so that the menu bit and the main section bit arer actually seperate, so the menu piece doesn't expand withthe other bit ;)<br />
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Andy<!--content-->Hi Andy, your problem is quite easy to fix. Create a small white image and use it for your background within those cells and your yellow lines will be gone.<br />
Good luck.<!--content-->