tables not lining up....PLEASE help!


Staff member
Hi...I'm working on this page:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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and the tables aren't lining up in 2 small places in the middle of the page! I've tried EVERYTHING and I've been staring at this page for about 4 hours now. But it won't work! There's this big black line in the middle of everything, and it's throwing the whole page off.<br />
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I need a fresh pair of eyes to look at the source code...pleaaaaase!<br />
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T<!--content-->Your problem is that you are abusing tables and using them for layout. Saint John of the Cross would never approve.From the HTML 4.01 Specification (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->):<br />
Tables should not be used purely as a means to layout document content as this may present problems when rendering to non-visual media. Additionally, when used with graphics, these tables may force users to scroll horizontally to view a table designed on a system with a larger display. To minimize these problems, authors should use style sheets to control layout rather than tables.<!--content-->our learned friend charles speaks the truth... that said, and purely from an aesthetical point of view, i very much like what you've done.... Very nice.<br />
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With regard to your question though, I dont see any spaces where nothing lines up on mine. I'm guessing from the pic that you're on a mac- maybe it's a problem with that.<br />
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I was trying to post a screen dump but my computer is playing silly buggers. I'll try again later, but i cant see any gaps apart from the big black one above the monitor, and that's supposed to be there (i'm guessing) because the images that make up that bar are all black.<!--content-->So I was not the only one that didn't see anything wrong with it. I looked at it for a bit then made sure I was on the right page then whent hmmm maybe it is just me but looks great I don't see anything wrong with it so I said nothing.<!--content-->HI...thanks guys...<br />
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I *am* on a macintosh.<br />
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But, I'm from the OLD skool of web design, still do all my coding by hand. How do I avoid using so many tables??? It's completely tedious, but I can't figure out how to get around it!<br />
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I really like doing graphically intensive things with my page, like the page in question. This is the design I really like. Not happy with anything else really. But there really isn't any way to get around the tables thing that I can see?<br />
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Suggestions?<br />
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T<!--content-->Here is the all it's glory. Not too pretty, plus, where you see the RED, that's where the iframe is mysteriously NOT lining up. There is a background color set to "red" so you can see it, but the background is set to fixed and to not repeat.<br />
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Why does macintosh do this? ARG! It's going to drive me NUTS! Will it do this on EVERY mac that views the page? <br />
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Any suggestions on how to fix it?<!--content-->Originally posted by maubast <br />
Why does macintosh do this? ARG! It's going to drive me NUTS! Will it do this on EVERY mac that views the page? <br />
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It's not Mac that does it, it's your browser. Which browsers did you try with?<br />
Have you upgraded to the latest versions?<br />
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Any suggestions on how to fix it? <br />
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As have already been mentioned, drop the abuse of tables and lay out you page using CSS.<br />
That way you can place everything exactly where you want it.<!--content-->I will do that! I've never tried it before, so maybe this will solve a lot of my page problems! Thank you so much for the suggestion! You may have just permanently changed the way I design pages!!<br />
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T<!--content-->I put up your page in NS4xx and get lots of gaps.<br />
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NS has a bad habbit of putting in gaps if you put the </td> tag on a new line following an <img...> tag.<!--content-->Thank you! I was wondering why it did that in NS!!!<!--content-->