Tables and frames

in a page i am developing i want to click on a link in one table cell and that result should be displayed in another table cell. How can i achieve this without using javascript.<br />
I don't want to use frames also.<br />
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thnks in advance!!!!<!--content-->Can you run Active Server Pages on your web site (ASP). If you can, you can do this with very little code. There is no point in me explaining how right now if you cant... mainly as I have just got home from work and I need my energy for the footie game in the morning. So sleep it is.<br />
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If you can host ASP let me know and I will write up some easy instructions for you tonight. I would point you in the direction of a web site that tells you how but I dont know any. Reply and let me know and I'll be pleased to help. Don't be scared of ASP as you will still code your page in HTML and insert one line of ASP syntax.<br />
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Catch you later if you can do this and help.<!--content-->