Tables and Blogs


Hey, i have a site that is comprised of a large table with two columns and one row.<br />
In the right column are my links to the rest of my site.<br />
In the left column, i would like to display my blog.<br />
Blog publishes via ftp a file called blogger.html to my web site.<br />
I want to know if i can view the blogger html in that table.<br />
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This guy has it set up like i would like it, but i dont know how do do it.<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Thanks so much for your help and email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> if you need more information on my inquiry.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->if you are able to use php on your site, it would be really easy. something like this<br />
<br />
include "blogger.html";<br />
<br />
that would then put it inside of the table, unless if my php is wrong.<br />
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edit:<br />
oh gosh this is my 666th post! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<!--content-->Im sorry, i am a novice and dont really know what php is or how to apply it to my inquiry.<br />
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Please help me further<!--content-->i think for a novice ssi may be easier if all you want to do is include a file:<br />
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all you do is place this line where you want the included file to be placed:<br />
<br />
<!--#include virtual="otherfolder/foo.html" --><br />
<!--#include file="foo.html" --> <br />
<br />
use 'file' if the document to be included is in the same directory, if not use 'virtual'<br />
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change your document extenstion to .shtml<br />
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holler if you want to know how to do it in php :)<br />
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/added<br />
you line was correct but missing a few things mike!!<br />
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<? include "foo.html"; ?><br />
and changing the file extension to php<br />
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/added2<br />
actually both ways are damned easy :)<!--content-->