Table with runaway text


Hello,<br />
<br />
Is there a way to wrap long text in a table cell?<br />
<br />
<br />
|-----TableCell-------|<br />
1. Here is some text.<br />
2. This islongertextthatexceedscelllength<br />
<br />
How can I get 2. (with long text with no space) to be shown as <br />
|-----TableCell-------|<br />
2. This islongertextthat<br />
exceedscelllength<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
Kath<!--content-->use a line break somewhere in the text. <br><!--content-->If you have defined the width of the cell ie <TD width="25%"> it will auto-wrap to fit the available space.<!--content-->In the absence of any white space or punctuation marks a table cell will not auto wrap, regardless of width attributes.<br />
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It might be possible to force a line break in a table cell using a style sheet, but I would have to look that up.<br />
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If you can not insert HTML code (like kman suggests) to create a line break so that the table cell does not stretch beyond where you want it to, then you might have to live with the problem. I know some languages have very long words (Laotian comes to mind) and its hard to fit them into small table cells sometimes.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Muchas gracias to all!<br />
<br />
I thought of using <br> but was trying to see if there something more readily usable ... else need to create method to go through long text and update all jsp's which include table.<br />
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'Preciate it!<!--content-->Ok, so I've foregone handling long texts for now and let them run as long as text length.<br />
<br />
What I have is a page of results due to user query. Each is represented in a table. Each row of that table has a radio button. One row may be selected by the user via clicking on corresponding radio button.<br />
<br />
Requirement: to be able to tab through all the radio buttons.<br />
<br />
Issue is: I cannot tab through all rows (via radio button). This is on Netscape only (I ran 4.77) and is not an issue for IE (5.5).<br />
<br />
From the top of the form I can tab through up to a point and then it starts from the top again and doesn't allow me to tab through the rest of the results.<br />
<br />
Is this a limitation for Netscape? Or is there a way I can get around it? Is this related to long text issue? Should it matter the characters which are represented in the table?<br />
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Another observation is that the table (due to long text) 'hits' the browser border. Would this effect tabbing navigation?<br />
<br />
What's the general functionality/usage of tabbing?<br />
<br />
Thank you,<br />
Kath<!--content-->Id have to see the page in order to help you further on this. You may set a tabbing order to something if you like by using tabindex=#.<br />
<br />
here is an example if setting tabindex.<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Untitled</title><br />
</head><br />
<body onload="document.form1.r1.focus();"><br />
<form name=form1><br />
<br><br><br><br />
<input type=text size=15 tabindex=4><br />
<br><br />
<input type=checkbox tabindex=3><br />
<br><br />
<select tabindex=2><br />
<option seleced></option><br />
<option>one</option><br />
<option>two</option><br />
</select><br />
<br><br />
<input type=radio name=r1 tabindex=1><br />
<br><br />
<textarea cols=5 rows=5 tabindex=0>nothing</textarea><br />
</form><br />
</body><br />