table width question


hello,<br />
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recently i put togeather a new design for my site, i use nestled tables to put it togeather and i used % to define the widths<br />
ex. width="100%" but when you view them with a restored backround (not maximized) its only the width of the screen making it look very small, id rather have to make them scroll when using a un maximized window, which they would have to do on any site when it is un maximized<br />
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but one problam, i dont know how much width a page takes up its easy using persentages but what about in pixles?<br />
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width="100%" is = to width="?" in pixles<br />
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just want to know the width of a window in pixles if i lost you<!--content-->I don't know many people that cruise the web that have there browser un-maximized. I would leave it like that at 100%<!--content-->Well, youd be locking in your design at 800x600 most likely. A useable width is 790.<!--content-->thanks for the reply guys but a couple of ppl siad my site was wierded out with the use of my tables, coud either of you take a look and see if it looks wacked out? and if you have to scroll horizantly to see it all<br />
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some one siad it wasnt aligning right and that the table was only 57 percent of the screen thats why i think hew looked at it through a un maximized window<br />
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please reply back :p<!--content-->Looks okay to me in IE5.5 although maybe it would look better in reduced windows if you used fixed widths and have the user scroll across, I don't know.<br />
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What browsers are these people using? Could it have something to do with the way Netscape handles tables?<br />
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Just a thought...<!--content-->looks fine to me in IE5 at 800x640 and 1024x748.<!--content-->well i looked at it with netscape 6 and netscape 5 and it looks fine i also viewed it with ie 5 and its ok so i do not know :p happy it looks ok though? <br />
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did you all like it?<!--content-->your layout is ok greg <br />
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Ill talk to you at school monday to talk to you about how to change my website<br />
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see ya Solidsnake6844<!--content-->