table width and resolution differences


Does anyone know if there is a way to write your code so that your tables appear at 100% of the browser window NO MATTER what resolution the user uses?<br />
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I made a bunch of forms for my company which look/work great on my machine but I use a smaller resolution than most people. Therefore everyone else doesn't see the whole table and must scroll back and forth.<br />
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My tables are set to 100%. Any ideas?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->Setting your table to width="100%" is more of a suggestion than an order; if the layout engine can't compress the table to fit because of "hard" content: images, unbreakable text, form elements, etc., it'll just claim the space it needs. If you're designing for a known audience (as if it were - or is - an intranet) you might go with the lowest common denominator (presumably 800x600) using fixed widths. Filling in the 'sidebars' with something usually helps.<!--content-->As _mrkite says, <table> redering is quite complex and the browsers must take certain liberties in their creation.<br />
Internet Explorer has the table-layout attribute to speed up rendering and control layout.<br />
<table width="100%" style="table-layout: fixed"><br />
<col width="30%"><col width="40%"><col width="30%"><br />
...<br />
</table><br />
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Excess cell content is wrapped, or clipped.<!--content-->