table troubles


I've just started to develop a site using tables for a header, menu bar and content area. For some reason,when I click between pages, the white background of the content table does not extend all the way down to the bottom of the page. instead, the background of the menu area extends in a narrow strip all the way across the bottom of the entire page. Stranger still, when I hit refresh, the content table displays all the way to the bottom and everything looks fine. What in the world have I done wrong?<br />
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The site/source code can be viewed at:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Any help is much appreciated!<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
rocketguy :confused:<!--content-->You seem to have </HTML> several times in the middle of your code. This signifies the end of your HTML and will no doubt confuse your browser if it is not the end.<!--content-->hi rocketguy...<br />
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I viewed your site in Mozilla... and suprisingly it looked okay (aside from some broken links).<br />
<br />
however....<br />
I looked at your source code and (much as gizmo noted)....<br />
you've got some problems there.<br />
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it's all easily fixable though... so here is a run-down of a basic html page.<br />
Just confom your pages to this structure... and you should be fine.<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
(your meta stuff can go here)<br />
<title>your title</title><br />
(your <style> stuff belongs here)<br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
(your table and all of the other page content goes here)<br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
<br />
you just need to move stuff around a little... <br />
and remove the extra (and misplaced tags)...<br />
and you should be good to go.<br />
<br />
give me a shout if the band plays the Jersey Shore this summer...<br />
(or the NYC area thereafter) :) ...<br />
;) k<!--content-->Had to go out, hence my hasty reply. I see khaki has beaten me to it. I would suggest that when you think you have it sorted, you run it through a validator (HTML Tidy or CSE Validator). It also needs a DOCTYPE line at the very beginning, or Charles will be after you.:D<!--content-->Originally posted by gizmo <br />
Had to go out, hence my hasty reply. I see khaki has beaten me to it. I would suggest that when you think you have it sorted, you run it through a validator (HTML Tidy or CSE Validator). It also needs a DOCTYPE line at the very beginning, or Charles will be after you.:D baby steps gizmo.<br />
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(and Charles would already be annoyed about the use of the table for layout... so the doctype lecture would probably take a back-seat to table lecture :) lol)<br />
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can't change the world in a day...<br />
(but I admire Charles for trying :) )...<br />
;) k<!--content-->Thanks to all for the feedback and helpful info! Sounds like cleaning up the syntax and formatting should do the trick.<br />
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Ah, life makes sense again...:cool:<!--content-->Oh yeah, what's the scoop on the HTML Validator? I've never used one so would be interested in getting hooked up.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Gary<!--content-->Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> enter your URL and see what errors it throws up.....:)<!--content-->Originally posted by gizmo <br />
Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> enter your URL and see what errors it throws up.....:) "throws up" would seem to be the operative phrase...:)<!--content-->Originally posted by gizmo <br />
Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> enter your URL and see what errors it throws up.....:) <br />
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Use W3C's instead. I validated a page on your link and I got errors. I did it against W3C's validator and I got a clean report. W3C's validator link is in my sig.<!--content-->