Table Trouble in Netscape 4.08


Staff member
I am trying to develop my web site to work with Internet Explorer 5 and up and Netscape 4.08 and up. But the problem is, I want to create a right-side panel like on where they have a menu on the left and a menu on the right. When I try to do this, it works fine in Internet Explorer 6 (which I use) but it appears way way way too big in Netscape 4.08 (which is the lowest version I am trying to make my site compatible with). I really don't want to make my web site's requirements at Netscape 6 and above, unless really necessary, and I'm not even sure if this will work in Netscape 6 either.. <br />
Here is a link to the page I am trying to work on. None of the links or buttons work yet because obviously I need to get this problem worked out first. REMEMBER: The problem is ocurring in NETSCAPE 4.08. It works OK in Internet Explorer 6.<br />
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Please visit and let me know what you think I should do!<!--content-->It works fine in mozilla so I would have to assume it would work well in ns6 since netscape apparently bought and based their browser on mozilla and their scripts.<!--content-->Ok, but how come it won't work right in Netscape 4?<!--content-->IMHO your problem is in misunderstanding what "working site" is. <br />
In this day and age the working site is not the one that looks the same on all possible devices and browsers (which is not possible to achieve, considering the wide range of capabilities of web accessing hardware and software), but the one that adequately delivers the content regardless of what the device or software is. Presentation of the content is designed to depend on the device/software capabilities.<br />
This is achieved by separating content from presentation.<!--content-->Ok then, but what should I do? I know it's impossible to get the same result on all browsers, but I am trying my best! I am using CSS to separate my presentation from content (as you said) and I am also making sure everything validates correctly. I don't know what I should do. All I want is for that single right panel to cooperate. How do I make it smaller or the way it should be?<!--content-->Does it work... It does not have to look as nice and as sexy as it does on mozilla or on ie, but does it get the content accross. Do all of your neccessary scripts fire. If this is the case then I would not worrie about it. NS4 is a notoriously horrible browser with many bugs. If you go back and try to make your page function correctly on it my bet would be you would be stepping on another browser and making it so that it will not work in the other browser. If it gets the content out I would be happy and let it be.<!--content-->I guess you're right. I wanted to use Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape 4 as the "minimum site requirements" but I guess not that many people are using Netscape 4 and expecting to get a lot of quality out of the richly-enhanced internet today. I'll raise the recommendations to Netscape 6. The newest version of Netscape is 7, so I guess one version prior to the latest is a good idea. Thanks for your time everyone! :D<!--content-->