table to fit page


Hello all,<br />
I have a large table that generates a horizantal scroll on the browser.<br />
This is due to one specific column.<br />
I didn't use the nowrap attrib on this specific column but nevertheless it doesn't wrap up.<br />
I've tried <td width=10%> but that didn't work either.<br />
How can I determine the cell's size?<br />
Or even better how can I control to table size to fit exatcly to the page width wise without horizontal scrolling?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->You can set the table width to 100% or define your widths exactly in pixels. The problem is that if the content of the table cells is wider than the cell then it can stretch the column to above the size you specified. i.e. if you have a column of 50 pixels and you place an image in one of the cells that is 100 pixels then your column will stretch to 100 pixels wide despite what you specified. Some text will cause the same problem.<br />
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What exactly are you placing inside the cell that is causing it to stretch?<!--content-->What i', trying to post is just simple text retrievd from mysql db.<br />
Can I overcome this problem then?<!--content-->it works if your text is not a continious line. meaning the text has to have breaks in it for it to wrap.<!--content-->