Table tags


I see the tages "TBODY" and "div" a lot in tables done by others, but my tutorial doesn't explain these - can anyone tell me how and when these are used? I just can't find any info on it my tutorial. Read that thing over and over...<br />
tx<br />
Jeni<!--content-->Hi Jeni,<br />
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For more tutorials on tables go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. For specifics on the <tbody> command go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... html#tbody</a><!-- m --> Some of the attributes, or the command itself do not render in Netscape 4.X.<br />
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One use of the div command is to apply alignment to blocks or sections. If you wanted to center several paragraphs you would use <div align=center> before and </div> after. This is apparently the preferred method over the <center> tag. It can also do left and right align as well. I am sure there are more uses.<!--content-->I've bookmarked both sites and will definitely read up on this - thanks. I wonder why this tutorial I have didn't mention these. Well, this should help a lot! Just shove me in the right direction sometimes and I'll be alright for a time - a short time maybe...:)<br />
I'm really trying to master tables so I can do more with pages. They don't seem to be too hard once you get the hang of it, but then all these other details come into play and none of it is covered in the material I have- hopefully these sites will help. It's after 2 am now and nothing will stick in my tired brain but tomorrow...<!--content-->the div tag is classed as a css style so not every browser can identify it<br />
in netscape you would use layer<br />
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tbody groups parts of the table so if you had multiple <td> tags and they had the same properties you can group them with the <tbody> tag<!--content-->Uhoh...I think I have a lot to learn yet...I'm not sure I know what you mean...sorry...<!--content-->Hi Geni!<br />
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Try this table tutor - it is one of the best and easiest one.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thank you, Eforms - looks fantastic. Definitely will bookmark and read - probably print, too. I have too many sites bookmarked in hopes of finding good help and this one looks like it will allow me to clean out that mess ! Thanks again, a lot!<!--content-->