Table stuff....


As you can see by my website, my tables desperatly need margins. What code would I use?<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->You can use cellspacing and cellpadding.<br />
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cellpadding is the amount of space INSIDE a cell. e.g. the amount of empty space between a table cell's border and the content.<br />
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cellspacing, on the otherhand is the amount of empty space between table cells. If you have a border value set for the table, setting cellspacing will define the width of the border between cells (e.g. cellspacing=5 border=2 will render a 5 pixel border). E.g. you can set border=4 in table tag and set cellspacing to 2. That will create a thicker outside border than between the cells.<br />
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But even if you do not use table border, then setting cellspacing to a positive value will create space between the cells.<br />
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Try to experiment with various cellspacing, cellpadding and border values and see how it works:<br />
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Try this and see the effect:<br />
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<table border=4 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><!--content-->Thanks, I'll try that :cool:<!--content-->